Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WEEK 8 EOC:Hypothesis and 12 Questions

Changing the marketing signage colors and details for our markdown products will increase sales volume on clearance items.

1.) What stands out the most on the sale signage?
-Product information
2.) Do you understand the sale signage?
3.) Do you notice red as sale or yellow?
4.) Do you shop sale items?
5.) Where is the sale area?
-Front of store
-Back of store
-Not sure
6.) Do you get excited when you see a sale sign outside a store?
7.) How important is it that you know what you are saving in dollars?
-Not at all
-Most important
8.) Do you look for sale items only?
9.) How many sale items did you see today?
10.) Did you come in today for a sale item?
11.) Did you purchase any items from the Bonanza area ?
12.) How did you hear about us?
13.) Did the marketing get you excited?

WEEK 8 BOC: Hypothesis and 20 Questions

Changing the marketing signage colors and details for our markdown products will increase sales volume on clearance items.
1.) What stands out the most on the sale signage?
-Product information
2.) Do you understand the sale signage?
3.) Do you notice red as sale or yellow?
4.) Do you shop sale items?
5.) Where is the sale area?
-Front of store
-Back of store
-Not sure
6.) Do you get excited when you see a sale sign outside a store?
7.) How important is it that you know what you are saving in dollars?
-Not at all
-Most important
8.) Do you look for sale items only?
9.) How many sale items did you see today?
10.) Did you come in today for a sale item?
11.) Did you purchase any items from the Bonanza area ?
12.) How did you hear about us?
13.) Did the marketing get you excited?
14.) Do you like the marketing throughout the store?
15.) Whats more important cost or quality?
16.) Do you receive emails or flyer's?
17.) What did you purchase today, and was it on sale?
18.) How long did you stay at the store?
19.) How often do you purchase sale items?
20.) Did you spend more money then you expected to?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

WEEK 7 EOC: Examples of Questions

There are a lot of surveys everyday and all kinds of types of questions get put into these surveys. Questions on a survey are the most important aspect of the survey next to the surveyor. Think about all the times you have taken a survey, now think of the questions you answered, were they appropriate and did you feel comfortable answering them. the person answering the questions needs to feel comfortable and the questions need to be relevant to the information you are trying to obtain.
Mentally challenging questions: If you ask mentally challenging questions, you should place them after the midpoint of your questionnaire. Otherwise respondents faced with a tough question may become frustrated and decide not complete your questionnaire. 
(Marketing Research kits for Dummies, Pg. 194)
I find these are more realistic when getting information they tend to give better information.
Sensitive questions: Sensitive questions consist of age, income, occupation, family configuration, these are better towards the end. (Marketing Research kits for Dummies, Pg. 194)
I am sensitive to the age question myself.
Open ended questions: Open ended questions give a range of answers, sometimes can be clouded by opinion.
Closed questions: Yes, and No. These are best to get direct answers and specifics to the survey questions.
Choosing answer formats can mis-interpret survey answers as well. Using the appropriete answer formats consist of scales, least to best, yes or no, and open ended answers. Its best to stay consistant with your answer format throughout the whole survey.
Practices to avoid: Regardless of the questionnaire format you choose, avoid needlessly complex formats. Doing so will help keep your respondents in good frame of mind and motivate them to complete questionnaire. (Marketing Research kits for Dummies, Pg. 201)
You can produce surveys and market research but if its not real information and answers its completely a waste.
"I like to do my principal research in bars, where people are more likely to tell the truth or, at least, lie less convincingly than they do in briefings and books."- P.J. O'Rourke quotes

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WEEK 6 EOC: Tax Cut Survey

Part of the problem in this survey is that over half of the people that are taking this survey don't even pay taxes. They are surveying about making the information irrelevant and isn't consistent with its survey questions. The questions give the answers. The questions are very vague and not as relevant as need to be detailed in a survey for such information.Inaccurate Information Gleaned from the Web Costs IT Departments Time and Money

A survey commissioned by Safari Books Online finds that IT professionals spend as much as two hours each workday searching the web for information they need to do their jobs. Unfortunately, the information they get isn't always accurate and leads to costly, embarrassing and time-consuming mistakes.

Thu, May 29, 2008
The problem today is we are so into getting information from the internet, but are we getting reliable information.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

WEEK 5 EOC : Privacy

Today there are so many hackers! Hackers can consist of many types, web hackers, credit card hackers, and identity hackers. Microsoft built Windows 95 to have an ability to log into the computer. Microsoft made it possible to have engineers access your computer for potential help. Pretty soon file sharing is going to share all information, however now hackers can get into your system and control your ability from a distance, and then take all of your private information.
Instead of being the one getting hacked, protect yourself, here are  a list of ways to better protect your privacy. (https://www.eff.org/wp/effs-top-12-ways-protect-your-online-privacy)

 1) Do not reveal personal information inadvertently.

 2) Turn on cookie notices in your Web browser, and/or use cookie management software or infomediaries.

 3) Keep a "clean" e-mail address.

 4) Don't reveal personal details to strangers or just-met

 5) Realize you may be monitored at work, avoid sending highly
personal e-mail to mailing lists, and keep sensitive files on your
home computer.

 6) Beware sites that offer some sort of reward or prize in
exchange for your contact info.

 7) Do not reply to spammers, for any reason.

 8) Be conscious of Web security.

 9) Be conscious of home computer security.

10) Examine privacy policies and seals.

   Check out the website and read more detail on how to keep yourself protected today. Don't trust any site until you have researched it properly. The only person responsible for your information is yourself. Take time to protect your computer and your identity, be sure to take all precautions and you can never be too safe.
Along with making sure that you are safe, always making sure your children are safe as well. Children fall into a whole other protection. Its one thing to be violated, but to have your child in danger of their identity. A lot of hackers will use children to get information. The reverse of this is children hacking, today it is known that violence and crime starts at an earlier age, hacking is just one method of child crimes today.
CP - Children’s Online Privacy
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) gives parents control over what information websites can collect from their kids. If you run a website designed for kids or have a website geared to a general audience but collect information from someone you know is under 13, you must comply with COPPA’s two main requirements. For answers to particular questions, call the COPPA Compliance Hotline at 202-326-3140.(http://business.ftc.gov/controller/cp-children%E2%80%99s-online-privacy)